
Chocolate and coffee oat bran cake

This recipe is seen widely on the web and often referred to as a mug cake, my adaptation of the recipe is basically the same but instead of microwaving for 3 mins, I find by baking it in a oven I am able to get a more cake like texture

The flavour drops I have been buying from Asda and the Coffee granules is a brand I buy from Sainsburys made by Littles

2 TB of oat bran

2 TB of fat free natural greek yogurt

1 small egg

1/2 tsp baking powder and pinch bicarb

tsp Littles vanilla coffee granules

1 TB sweetener or more/less to own taste

1/2 tsp vanilla

1/2 tsp almond flavour

10g Green & Blacks coco powder

few fennel seeds for decoration

Whisk and pop batter into silicone baking forms I sprinkled with fennel seeds, bake approx 15 mins at in a pre heated oven at 180

I served with a Caribbean influenced yogurt, a combination of zero fat Greek natural yogurt mixed with rum flavour, vanilla flavour, mashed small banana and pineapple, mashed then sprinkle with 5 g almonds