A couple of days this week I have helped out a friend who is a dog professional dog walker, it really is quite amazing how far my physical capabilities have progressed, today I walked down very steep muddy banks, climbed back up them, felt the wind in my face and loved the mud on my jeans, I felt so alive in the elements! Just 3 1/2 years ago I struggled to stand and wash dishes, here I am today taking new things in my stride – it is thrilling! Beyond my original hopes and desires for the life I wanted for myself.
In the beginning I just wanted to feel well and not feel like I was fading away, which is how I felt. How did I face this huge mountain ahead of me?
Well it was not by looking in the distance at that mountain! It was looking at one step alone before the next, dug deep and just focused on each and every little effort I made, the goals were so small and realistic in the beginning, I mean I knew I had to change portions and food types – so I devised to focus on just one meal at a time, get to bed time, feel great I had got those 3 goals in the bag, fall asleep with hope and woke the next day with positive mind and belief I could attempt the one meal a day strategy the next day. I would fall asleep visualising my success the next morning, I started to build a blind belief that this would work. Meal by meal, day by day, those days turned into weeks, then turned into months, then into years…. no matter what you are facing, break those things into small goals, those steps one by one will get you to where you want to be – no matter how slow or fast they may be.
Set realistic goals, small bite size ones and don’t overwhelm yourself with too high expectations of oneself, hold tight to the thought we do not need to be perfect just persistent in our efforts.
Lisa x
2 replies on “Goal Setting”
This is so helpful, thank you. Facing the challenge of eating at a friends today, usually get myself worked up and eat loads before I go and end up feeling awful when I’m there! Emotional eating is such a pain! Will concentrate on thinking one meal at a time.
Have only just started back on my weight loss journey which seems to be taking a whole lifetime to conquer. Have about 7 1/2 stone to lose.
Hi do try and enjoy today , do not stress it , make best decision as you can – it a just one day !